Sabtu, 17 Desember 2011

Cinnamon Sweet and Healthy

Its fragnant smell and distinctive taste that makes cinnamon is used as a complement to the cake or drinks. In addition to fragrant and sweet, cinnamon also useful to health problems by body perceived. Let's get acquainted with these sweet spices. 

  • Cinnamon
Name of Cinnamon comes from Greek, this word meaning sweet wood. These plants grow in java island. Included in family Laureceae, cinnamon tree have scientific name zeylanicum, this tree has a max. height of 9 meters with smooth bark gray. The leaves are lance-shaped eye with a lenght of about 20 cm and a width of 5 cm. The Leaves are green on top and white on the bottom. Small flowering with whhite or yellowish forming clusters.
Part of cinnamon tree used is wood inside a darker color because on inside of fragrant smell of the skin while the outer part does not smell nice. The inside of the bark will be dried in the sun. The result, the bark will form a coil which is then cut into 5-8 cm long stalks of small or ground into powder form. Forms like thes that we usually find and used as fragrances and flavor enhancer in foods, beverages or used as aromatheraphy and perfume materilas.

  • How to eat Cinnamon
Use cinnamon sticks as stirrers in a small size hot beverages such as chocolate, milk, hot cereal drink or along with the tea brewed. Combine cinnamon powder in a cake or add small pieces of cinnamon to decorate your cake. Used as a condiment in dishes such as make a rice, pasta meat or vegetables.
  • Benefits of Cinnamon
In addition as fragrances and flavor enhancer in foods and beverages, cinnamon hame some efficacy to relieve health problem because contains manganese, iron and calcium. The benefits to health problems, among others lower blood sugar, lower cholesterol, lower blood pressure, improve memory, relieve muscle and joint pain, gum and teeth problems, ulcers, relieve headaches, migraines, alleviate stomach problems and cramps during menstruation as well as eliminating the problem of bad breath.

Jumat, 16 Desember 2011

Oral Sex Cause Throat Cancer

The virus is spread during oral sex is now known as the main cause of throat cancer in people under the age of 50, so the scientists warn.
They say, Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) is spread during sex is not safe is suspected as the cause of increased cases of oral cancer is potentially lethal in recent decades.
Doctors have called for boys to be vaccinated against HPV as well as teenage girls to stop the spread of disease.
HPV is known as a major cause of about 70 percent of cervical cancer. Since 2008, girls have been vaccinated against this virus at the age of 12 and 13 years. Besides this virus can also cause warts, verrucas and other cancers.
Cancer of the mouth and oropharynx - the top of the throat - was primarily diagnosed in older men who drink or smoke. But then, this jug disease seen in young men.
Prof Maura Gillison of Ohio State University of Columbus said that sexually transmitted HPV is the cause that is bigger than some oral cancers caused by tobacco.
He said: "We do not know of rigorous scientific evidence whether the vaccine would protect against oral HPV infections that cause cancer. For us in the field, we are optimistic will be able to protect the vaccine - a vaccine that is given each body part so far has proved very effective, about 90 percent effective, to prevent infection '.
'When one of my patients ask if they can vaccinate their children, I said sure. "
Girls aged 12 and 13 years at the school offered the HPV vaccine to protect them against cervical cancer - a disease that kills nearly 1,000 women each year in England. The vaccine is given at the school in three doses over six months.
Doctors are increasingly concerned that a sexually transmitted virus is behind the increase in cancer cases.
In the UK the incidence of throat cancer in the U.S. increased sharply while the incidence of oral cancer associated with HPV have doubled in the last 20 years.
In Sweden in the 1970s about a quarter of thyroid cancer associated with HPV, but in the mid-2000s that figure to 90 per cent said Prof Gillison.
"It is very interesting data in a population that increased tonsular cancer or oropharynx cancer cases that we see in several places around the world might be caused by HPV," she said.
A person infected with HPV 16-related tension, oral cancer has increased 14-fold risk for oropharynx cancer, he said.
He added: "What is most strongly associated with oral HPV infection is the number of sexual partners a person has in their lives, especially the number of individuals on whom they had been performing oral sex."
"The higher the number of partners you have, the more likely that you will have a mouth infection."
Yesterday, the researchers told a conference of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (American Association for the Advancement of Science) in Washington, that teenagers consider oral sex as a 'casual, socially acceptable, with no consequences and low risk to their health than sex " real ". "
Last year a study at Johns Hopkins University found that HPV pose a greater risk of cancer than cigarettes or alcohol.
American study of 300 men showed that those couples who have more than six people is almost nine times higher risk of contracting the disease while those who have experienced previous oral HPV infection is 32 times more likely to develop cancer.
Most HPV infections have no symptoms and people often do not require treatment.Sara Hiom, director of health information Cancer Research UK, said: "Cancer of the mouth and throat have increased dramatically in Britain since the mid-1980s, especially in people in their 40s, 50's and 60's.
'The proportion of total cancer cases associated with infection by HPV appears to have also increased. "
'Although for a while it makes sense to assume that HPV vaccination in girls and boys will protect them against this cancer, but there is no evidence whether the current HPV vaccine is effective for preventing cancer.
'Tests conducted so far been only against cervical cancer or genital warts, so we need new studies to demonstrate the effectiveness of this vaccine-related HPV and head and neck cancer.
'But oral cancers are diagnosed in people aged over 50 years in the UK is still associated with the use of tobacco and alcohol. "

Kamis, 15 Desember 2011


Diabetes mellitus is one of the diseases included in the competence of general practitioners. So wherever you are (even in remote places too), you can consult your doctor about diabetes mellitus (both general and specialist).
Diabetes mellitus or usually we know diabetes is classified as a metabolic disorder that refers to how the way our body digests food for energy and growth. Now answer the following: the most common staple food you eat? We are confident that you will answer the rice (or wheat processed foods for people outside Indonesia). Did you know most of what we eat is broken down into glucose, particularly sources that have a high carbohydrate foods such as rice, bread, etc.. Glucose is a form of sugar in the blood is the main source of fuel for our bodies.

When our food is digested glucose makes its way into the bloodstream. Our cells use glucose for energy and growth. However, glucose can not enter the cell without the hormone insulin. Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas. After eating, the pancreas automatically releases insulin to move glucose in our blood into cells, and lowers blood sugar levels. This at once to answer why people who suffer from DM (Diabetes mellitus) generally injected insulin every day!
A person with diabetes mellitus have a condition where the amount of glucose in the blood is too high (hyperglycemia). This is because the body does not produce enough insulin or can also pancreas does not produce insulin (one of them because of damage to the pancreas). This causes too much glucose in the blood. excess blood glucose causes glucose eventually passes out of the body in urine. So, do not be surprised if there are people suffering from diabetes mellitus, the urine will be eaten away by ants.

Type Type of Diabetes Mellitus
There are two types of diabetes mellitus, Here we explain in simple terms:

  • Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus - you produce insulin at all. This situation may be caused by damage to the pancreas. So if this happens, unfortunately the patient should be injected insulin daily and regulate low-glucose foods.
  • Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 - You do not produce enough insulin, or insulin not working properly. There are several conditions that cause this to happen. If you consult with your doctor, the greater the chances for recovery.

Rabu, 14 Desember 2011

Symptoms of Diabetes Mellitus

Symptoms of diabetes mellitus is not always there because most people with diabetes are asymptomatic (no symptoms of diabetes mellitus) means that there are no symptoms that indicate that the person is menderita.Mungkin you ask why?Since most of the patients still in the stage of severe acute or not, this phase where they usually do not experience the typical symptoms of diabetes mellitus, in contrast to those who are chronic. This informs you that the earlier we know the diagnosis of diabetes mellitus, it will be easier to treat. So, Every now and then does not hurt you to check your glucose levels.
It is very important, is when we can diagnose diabetes early, it prevents complications are what will be medical personnel. Since both diabetes mellitus itself and complications will have an impact on the sufferers themselves, family, and even later descendants.

  • Symptoms of Diabetes Mellitus in General
There are many symptoms of diabetes mellitus, even for diabetes type 1 and type 2 diabetes have different symptoms. But in this occasion will focus on the most common symptoms of diabetes.

Quick Haus and tired
Patients with diabetes mellitus will quickly feel thirsty, why? Because they will lack of glucose, most of the glucose is not used in the body for energy, but discarded in the urine (pee)

Frequent urination
Traces of glucose metabolism that should not be issued in the urine even released, so the mass of the more urine in the renal production.

Blurred vision
've Not eaten all day and blurred vision? That's if you are deficient in glucose, no energy for the body.

Nausea and vomiting
For some patients will feel nausea and vomiting, especially if the control of food on glucose too much

Sudden weight loss
Not surprisingly, surely you can use your own reason, because for people with diabetes mellitus little body manages glucose into energy.

Some other symptoms of diabetes mellitus such as fluid retention (especially in the legs), decrease in tolerance to cold, increase in heart rate, dry scaly skin, numbness fingers and toes, sweaty, sticky with sweat, tremors (shaking), Fidget for no apparent reason , decrease in concentration.

Selasa, 13 Desember 2011

Blood Type Diet

Blood type diet has been found though Dr. Peter D'Adamo, author of "Eat Right for Your Type". According to him, the chemical reaction occurs between the blood and the foods you eat. This reaction is part of the genetic heritage. This reaction is caused by a factor called Lectins. Lectins and diverse proteins found in foods have properties that affect your blood agglutination. So, when you eat food containing protein lectins that are incompatible with your blood type antigen, then start mengaglutinasi laktin blood cells and this will cause various health problems. This is where the concept of blood type diet begins.

O blood type diet

Blood type O is believed by D'Adamo as a group hunter (hunter), blood group, which first appeared in humans. O blood type diet recommends that blood type O is a high-protein diet. D'Adamo is based on the belief that blood type O is the first blood type on the face of the earth, from 30,000 years ago.The owner of this blood type are usually high achievers tend to be, an active and organized.Sports are suitable for O blood type diet is cardio exercises: jogging, cycling, swimming, or brisk walking. Exercise in the morning is better than the night.

  • O blood type diet
Profile diets: low carbohydrate and high protein.

  • Very Useful (foods that have the effect of diet as a cure for blood type O):
ginger, kailan, turmeric, meat (beef, buffalo, deer, sheep, calf), broccoli, sweet potatoes, waluh, lettuce, radishes china, blueberries, seaweed, kelp, cherry, guava, red beans, curry, peas, all kinds of onions.

  • Neutral (foods that do not react to any blood type O diet):
Carp, eels, lobster, tuna, oatmeal, rice, rice cakes, rice, wheat flour, fish, sardines, shrimp, eggs (chicken, duck), butter, beans (black, red, green beans, soybeans), tempeh , tofu, soy milk, eggplant, tomatoes, pumpkin, meat (chicken, ducks, goats, geese, turkeys, rabbits)

  • Avoid (foods that act negatively to blood type O diet):
Pork, peanuts, cashews, pumpkin seeds, laichi, potatoes, cucumbers, cauliflower, clams, frog, octopus, eggs (goose, quail), ice cream, cheese, cow's milk, yogurt (any type), coconut oil, turtle, corn oil, corn, mushrooms, cantaloupe, mandarin oranges, plantains, bitter melon, white wine, soy sauce, coffee, liquor, squid, cuttlefish, broccoli flowers.

A blood type diet

Blood group A is called cultivators (tenants of land, cultivated land) by D'Adamo, blood type A developed in the agriculture, about 20,000 years ago. Blood type diet recommends that individuals who are on a diet blood group A required emphasis on eating vegetables and avoiding red meat, food intake is directed more toward a vegetarian.People with blood group A tend to be very creative, very sensitive, and good problem solvers.the owners of the blood group A tend to be more suited to a leisurely sport for 30 minutes, such as yoga, tai chi, walking, and outdoor sports. The owner of this blood group are less active in sports.

  • A blood type diet
profile Diet: low fat and high kerbohidrat

  • Very Useful (foods that have the effect of diet as a cure for blood type A):
Spinach, peanuts, beans, nuts / soy milk, tofu, fish, fish sardines, (snails, pineapple juice, mango, banana, lime & lemon), tempeh, rice flour, blueberries, broccoli, carrots, olive oil .

  • Neutral:
Tuna, quail eggs, sesame seeds, pumpkin, onion, cucumber, taro, grapes (all types), honeydew, cantaloupe, pear, pomegranate, kiwi, dates, strowberi, persimmon, guava, meat (chicken, ostrich, grouse, turkey, pigeon), chicken & duck eggs, sunflower seeds, wheat bread, peas / peas, corn, tapioca.

  • Avoid:
Meat (beef, goose, rabbit, pheasant, buffalo, lamb, duck), lobsters, eels, frogs, cheese, ice cream, milk, pure, coconut / coconut milk, honey melon, bananas (the king), papaya, pickles, eggplant , tomatoes, sweet potatoes, octopus, crab, potatoes, oranges, shrimp, squid, butter, milk cows, pare, soda water.

B blood type diet

Blood type B, according to D'Adamo called the type of nomadic (wanderers). Blood group is linked to a strong immune system and digestive system flexible. According to the theory of blood type diet, people with blood type B is the only person who can grow well with dairy products. Chance of blood group B originated approximately 10,000 years ago.The owner of this blood group tends to be very practical, one who does not like to beat around the bush in many ways.Sports are suitable for the B blood type diet is moderate exercise, which uses the body and brain. Sports such as ballet, dancing can be done to support the blood type diet B.

  • Blood type B diet
Profile diet: Milk & dairy products

  • Very Useful (foods that have the effect of diet as a cure for blood type B):
Cauliflower, eggplant, green tea, rice cakes, broccoli, sweet potatoes, carrots, meat (goat, sheep, rabbits, deer), buburgandum, sea fish, cow's milk, cheese, Essene bread.

  • Neutral (foods that do not react to any blood type diet B):
Chicken eggs, bread rice, spinach, broccoli, lettuce, cucumbers, pumpkins, potatoes, cabbage, squid, carp, tuna, butter, cheese, mango, melon, meat (beef, buffalo, turkey, calf liver) , oranges, pears, kidney beans, chickpeas, rice flour, dates, guava.

  • Avoid:
Meat (duck, chicken, geese, grouse, pigs, horses, snails, crabs, snails, peanuts, wheat bread, tomatoes, waluh, corn, water, soda, alcoholic beverages avocado, melon, pomegranate, coconut / coconut milk, persimmon, starfruit , eel, frog, octopus, lobster, ice cream, eggs (duck, goose, quail), pears.

AB blood type diet

AB blood type, according to D'Adamo called the enigma (a puzzle, mysterious).Blood type AB blood type is the type of the latter evolved, originated approximately 1,000 years ago. In terms of food, blood gologan AB blood group is treated as an intermediary between the blood groups A and B. People with blood type AB have a clever and creative nature, have a good mind for business, easy to get along with people.The blood type diet, exercise that is suitable for O blood type diet is yoga or pilates once a week, light jogging can also be done with an intensity that more often.

  • AB blood type diet
Profile diets: Adjusting to the different types of food.

  • Very Useful (foods that have the effect of diet as a cure for blood group AB):
Sardines, green, tuna fish, goat's milk, egg white (chicken), ricotta cheese, sour cream (low calorie), red wine, meat (turkey, lamb, rabbit).

  • Neutral (foods that do not react to any blood type diet AB):
red beans, rice bread, spinach, broccoli, lettuce, cucumbers, pumpkins, potatoes, cabbage, mangoes, squid, fish, beans, rice flour, tuna, butter, cheese, eggs, melons, oranges, pears , dates, guava.

  • Avoid:
Persimmon, meat (beef, buffalo, chickens, ducks, geese, pigs, deer and horses), lobsters, crabs, frogs, butter, pickles, corn, star fruit, pomegranate, alcoholic beverages, ketchup, coffee, soda, guava, mango , black beans, Ice cream, duck egg, melon, banana, coconut.

Alternative Blood Type Diet

Maybe some of you start thinking that these diets are so many exceptions for food and heavy, there is another alternative diet you can see that a diet with low calorie foods without nutritional membedabedakan blood type.

Senin, 12 Desember 2011

8 Tips and How Slim the Japanese Woman

If we look at most Japanese women slim-trim. Very rarely do we see fat people in japan (Remembering the words of my Japanese teacher in high school). So whether Japanese society hides a secret way to be slim of this world.
Apparently not! Only you and me who never want to see it. And what are the tips slender style Japanese women? This is it! Read carefully, because I will not repeat:
8 Secrets of Japanese women become slim naturally.

  1. Fish.   Japanese women eat the fish around 69 kg per year. Replace ground meat with fish other than one way to slim .. it can also lower the risk for heart disease. their favorite fish is salmon.
  2. Soy sauce.   Japanese people are also consuming soy in large numbers. From the research that there could even up to 10 times that of other countries in the world. For tips on this slim, Now you can say WOW! Why could be the way slim? because the soy sauce in Japanese society has a low content of fat and calories. As well as having high protein.
  3. Fresh fruits and vegetables.   For those of you women who often try a variety of tips langing, must have known that one way menjad slim by eating fresh fruits and vegetables. Japanese women do it .... And you also make time to be slim.
  4. Soybean.    How to slim naturally is to give food with ingredients from soybeans. And it has become mandatory for Japanese women.
  5. Variety of food.   Most Japanese people eat a wide variety of food. Even for women who are older Japan. They may eat different foods 100 days. Stars do not know to do with the slender tips, but the way it should be tried. If it fails it emang udah fat: D
  6. Healthy Breakfast.   If in a country called Indonesia, breakfast was definitely less than the lunch and dinner. But unlike Japanese society. Serves breakfast Japanese women are usually a lot more than lunch and dinner.  But if the thought with logic. How to slim yes this is true also ... ... .... Try to imagine your deh with an imagination:        If breakfast is the number of lots that was to work from morning until afternoon / evening. So the fat runs out of energy to be stored instead. Well loh if you eat a lot at night. That's food for what? Most of the night's best for sleeping. So fat will be buried.   Oh yes if you want a more extreme use of how slim Japanese women. Try to eat green tea, a bowl of rice, miso soup with tofu, nori seaweed, and coupled with a little omelet, or a piece of grilled fish. It is a classic food Japanese society.
  7. Eating noodles.    Japanese woman allegedly one of the slender tips is to eat noodles. Pantes wrote many different kinds of noodles in Japanese society. Contohlah Soba, Udon, Ramen, and Somen. For the noodles in Indonesia artificial stars less know whether they fit with the rules of how slim he he. So remember right buy expired food.
  8. Eating rice.    The last of the slender tips, is a relative Japanese women eat very little rice. They just ate two small bowls.

Good luck to trim from this Japanese woman.

Minggu, 11 Desember 2011


Do you know where it originated healthy?

Most people do not know what the meaning of healthy and unhealthy where it originated. Whereas a healthy body is the dream of all people and is an invaluable treasure. Without us knowing it's healthy home starts from our kitchen. We remember the term "we are what we eat", what we eat is what will happen to us.

Not a few of us who spend a huge cost just to beautify and adorn his home kitchen.However, very little or may be said no one is thinking about what healthy foods and beverages that will be made in the kitchen of his house. Most of us just think what good food that will be made in our dapuur. She found it ironic when we ignore what healthy food can we make (not just good).REMEMBER! The food we eat determines the quality of our health. So start from now to think and act, how to create & produce food that is not only good on the tongue, but also healthy in body. Eat a variety of vegetables & fruits and natural herbs available. Vary the type and taste, because God has created all these materials with various functions & benefits, and contain different nutrients.

The more we eat foods that are simply delicious dilidah, but rich in substances additives and nutrient poor, the sooner our bodies become worn or damaged.Based on the data, as much as 80-90% of various forms of cancer, is closely related to the foods we consume daily. For that we must be good at choosing healthy foods that are anticarcinogenic.
Food necessary for human survival. The body needs nutrients contained in food for metabolism, cell regeneration etc.. Most people just follow the tastes of his tongue, not the taste of the body. If we love your body, do not spoil the tongue.
While most of us eat from delicious and full, but it must be remembered that the main goal we eat:• To maintain the acid-base balance of blood• Provides complete nutrition with balanced nutrition

Eating is good & right will determine the quality and future of our bodies. Too much consumption of foods high in cholesterol, high fat and high glucose can accelerate pengausan blood vessels & organs of our body. This can lead to atherosclerotic disease, CHD (coronary heart disease), hypertension and diabetes. Therefore keeping the intake of foods that are good and beneficial to the body from now is a wise choice.

Sabtu, 10 Desember 2011


Weet u waar het is ontstaan ​​gezond?

De meeste mensen weten niet wat de betekenis van gezonde en ongezonde waar het is ontstaan. Overwegende dat een gezond lichaam is de droom van alle mensen en is een onschatbare waarde schat. Zonder dat wij weten dat het gezond naar huis gaat uit van onze keuken. We herinneren ons de term "we zijn wat we eten", wat we eten is wat er zal gebeuren met ons.

Niet weinigen van ons die door te brengen een enorme kosten alleen maar om te verfraaien en zijn huis keuken sieren. Echter, heel weinig of kan worden gezegd niemand te denken over wat gezonde voeding en dranken die zullen worden gemaakt in de keuken van zijn huis. De meesten van ons denk maar aan wat goed voedsel dat wordt gemaakt in onze dapuur. Ze vond het ironisch als we negeren wat gezonde voeding kunnen we (niet alleen goed).

REMEMBER! Het voedsel dat we eten, bepaalt de kwaliteit van onze gezondheid.Dus begin vanaf nu te denken en te handelen, hoe u & productie van voedsel dat is niet alleen goed op de tong, maar ook gezond lichaam. Eet een verscheidenheid van groenten & fruit en natuurlijke kruiden beschikbaar. Varieer het type en de smaak, want God heeft geschapen al deze materialen met verschillende functies en voordelen, en bevatten verschillende voedingsstoffen.Hoe meer we eten, voedsel dat gewoon heerlijk dilidah, maar rijk aan stoffen, additieven en arm aan voedingsstoffen, hoe sneller onze lichamen raken versleten of beschadigd. Op basis van de gegevens, wordt zo veel als 80-90% van de verschillende vormen van kanker, nauw verwant aan het voedsel dat we consumeren per dag. Want dat moeten we goed zijn in het kiezen van gezond voedsel dat anticarcinogenic.

Voedsel nodig om te overleven. Het lichaam heeft voedingsstoffen in voedsel voor de stofwisseling, de celregeneratie etc.. De meeste mensen volgen de smaak van zijn tong, en niet de smaak van het lichaam. Als we houden van je lichaam, niet bederven de tong.Terwijl de meesten van ons eten lekker en vol, maar het moet niet vergeten dat het belangrijkste doel dat we eten:• Om de zuur-base evenwicht van het bloed te behouden• Biedt complete voeding met een evenwichtige voeding

Eten is goed en rechts is bepalend voor de kwaliteit en de toekomst van ons lichaam. Te veel consumptie van voedingsmiddelen met een hoog cholesterol, kan een hoog vetgehalte en een hoog glucosegehalte te versnellen pengausan bloedvaten en organen van ons lichaam. Dit kan leiden tot atherosclerose, CHZ (coronaire hartziekten), hoge bloeddruk en diabetes. Daarom is het bijhouden van de inname van voedingsmiddelen die goed zijn en goed voor het lichaam van nu is een verstandige keuze.